neljapäev, detsember 25, 2008

Legend laekub Eestisse!

Sel reedel, kohe peale jõulu tuleb Tallinnasse klubisse Privee üks maailma parimaid Detrioidi tehno mehi, üks selle muusikastiili loojaist - Juan Atkins. Kellel võimalik minna, siis külastage kindlasti seda üritust, sest see on asi, millest ka oma lastelastele võite kõnelda. Kahjuks ma tea, et mina minna ei saa. Teie aga minge. Juan Atkinsi kohta rohkem infot leiate Maispeissist, Wikist,'ist ja tema enda kodulehelt.
Lisaks peamehele keerutavad plaati Oded Peled Soomest (Misc, Helsinki) ja Rakett aka Enar Essenson Eestist (Stereo88). Tuleb valus andmine ja kibe pisar on silmanurgas, et ei saa sinna ise kohale sõita. Aga pole parata. Igale peole ei jõua.
Ühtlasi ei jõua ka Kilulinnas toimuvale klassi jõululõunale. Vast toimub miskit paralleelselt ka Tartus. Ei tea. Ebaselge on üldse see reedene päev. Maru veidrad pühad tänavu samuti.

Allpool väike ingliskeelne tutvustus, mis pärineb Privee kodulehelt.

Juan Atkins (born Detroit) is an American musician. He is widely credited as the originator of techno music, sometimes known as Detroit Techno since Atkins and techno co-creators Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson grew up in Detroit, Michigan. Atkins has cited the radio show of Charles "Electrifyin' Mojo" Johnson as a musical influence. Electrifyin' Mojo, a Detroit DJ, played an eclectic mix of music including Kraftwerk, Parliament and Prince. Atkins and friend Derrick May created mix tracks for Electrifying Mojo to broadcast, then began to create original music. At Washtenaw Community College, Atkins met Rick Davis, with whom he recorded under the name Cybotron. Atkins coined the term techno to describe their music, taking as one inspiration the works of futurist and author Alvin Toffler, from whom he borrowed the terms "cybotron" and "metroplex". Atkins has used the term techno to describe earlier bands that made heavy use of synthesizers such as Kraftwerk, although many people would consider Kraftwerk's music and Juan's early music in Cybotron as Electro. Techno is considered today as a specific genre. Atkins began recording as Model 500 in 1985 with tracks such as "No UFO's", "Night drive", "Future" and "Clear". He continues to produce his own and other musicians' records under the Metroplex Records label.

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